Please provide all the requested information in the following form. Your data is carefully treated, only to be used for the creation of your company.
Provide 3 names in order of preference if you do not have your name reserved with the central authorities. You’ll be assigned the name that is available & approved, after which you own that name for 6 months, in time to form your company with the approved name.
Your company must have a legal address for which you need to provide the full address and the cadastral number of this property.
The CNAE (activity category) and IAE (economical activity) numbers are required yet it’s not always evident to find the correct ones, hence your Gestor will assist you if needed.
The minimum capital of a Sociedad Limitada is 3000 EUR, which can be provided in money transfer to your bank, by means of bringing in goods, or a combination of both. The majority of SL’s are created with the minimum capital.
It’s usual to define the value of each share at 1 EUR hence to have 3000 shares of 1 EUR each (yet this is not mandatory). The value per share times the number of shares must correspond to the capital value.
This is a required section where as many fields possible must be completed (email and mobile phone are mandatory).
The company must have at least one Administrator who resides in Spain. This person needs to be registered as self-employed at Social Security. Either this person already is self-employed, or will be enrolled as self-employed during the creation of the company.
The person can either on payroll, without renumeration, or paid by dividends only.
If this person won’t have 100% ownership of the new company, information must be provided for the remaining shareholders. If more than 2 shareholders, please contact us with the additional information beyond the 2 persons that can be specified here.
This section is only for when there’s more than one shareholder. More than 2 shareholders? Contact us to provide the additional information beyond the 2 persons on this form.
Bank information is required in case any of the administrators are enrolled for self-employment here.
Once you send the form, we’ll review the data and contact you if needed.